Finding uses for my LJ, wanting to blog more. Don't Panic!

Feb 17, 2006 12:08

Dear reader,

I, (Paul Francesco Di Meglio) have the following statement to make. I plan on bringing my defunct Live Journal account out of its dormant state. I think I stopped posting regularly here because for the most part LJ encouraged me to write about my own personal troubles and thoughts a bit too much. The whole "personal online journal" seemed intriguing at first but after time lost all appeal to me. I did not feel compelled to write about my deep personal internal monologue. At the same time, going back and reading my past entries just sunk me into sadness (for the most part) and dwelling upon the past is never a healthy activity. Today, for example, if I were still writing in my old style, I would post something along the lines of: My girlfriend is mad at me and she won't explain why?

I find that to be wasting my time, pointless and at times degrading.

Enter version 2.0 of Paul's Live Journal.

Starting next week I will combine this with my blogger account. Everything I post will be cross posted between Live Journal and I will no longer write about my personal trite and instead focus on informing those who choose to read. I will write a combination of the following:

1. In the style of my "cell phones becoming a modern day pocket watch" article. Observations that are universally applicable. Things that I've noticed to get your brains turning. You can then use the comment section to agree or disagree as you see fit.

2. Best of the web. The internet has changed drastically over the last year and a half. The introduction of Web 2.0 services, a user now has a world of free, powerful and useful products at their fingertips. The problem is not enough people know what these sites. I will point you in the right direction and provide you with useful tips.

Essentially I will probably start with a mixture of these at first, then as time goes on, depending on how popular my blogger site becomes, I may either narrow my field of focus or change directions entirely.

I understand there are already a plethora of similar blogs out their, I'm going to do my best to make mine different, somehow. My plan is to eventually get into serious blogging, while at the same times, avoiding the shortfalls that come while existing in the bloggosphere.

To keep updates regular, I plan on writing at least 3 times a week. Every Tuesday and Thursday and once on the weekend (Friday, Saturday or Sunday).

I hope that you'll all enjoy the changes. My primary goal is to entertain and inform. I hope I can succeed. Thanks for reading.

Paul Di Meglio
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