Aug 07, 2006 22:25
Hmm first post in well, quite a while. I'm not even gonna try to recap everything has happened in the past couple months. A lot of it is actually best left alone in the past. Summer has had its share of ups and downs to be sure. I got an amazing job, but I'm ready to be done with it. Fortunately in that regard I will be done Friday having spent 8 weeks working full time. 40 hours, is a lot of hours. Summer ultiamte was great. Some people had a tendancy to get on the ol nerves, but overall its really cool to see practically everyone so into the same game. ESPECIALLY IF ITS ULTIMATE!!
Lately I've been downright addicted to Joel Plaskett. How much do I like this guy's music? Enough to drop $50 to get three of his albums shipped from fucking Canada. The label was in French and everything! If you want I'll burn you one of the discs.
Sooo School starts back up soon. Lookin forward to that. The boredom I face at UD will probably lead to more regular updates of this in case you were interested. I'll be hittin the books pretty hard this year though. MCAT is coming up in April and after that I get to apply to med school and all that jazz so I really have to own all my classes this fall to get a last big boost to the ol GPA.
Welp, that pretty much caught everything up right? Bonnaroo rocked. Didn't end up gettin a girlfriend. Living in a house with 4 seniors I don't know. Don't plan on going southbound too often anymore. Should make for an interesting year.