Time to bail?

Sep 30, 2008 11:21

"The fish rots from the head as they say. So my thinking is why not cut off the head?"

Throwing money at the problem won't fix it. This whole bailout is stupid. The problem originated because the government created Fannie and Freddie and they could give out loans and not worry about the repercussions. They knew the government would be there to bail them out. Now look what's happening.

Bail them out now and we'll just have to bail them out again later.

Here's how we can help homeowners:
1) Put a moratorium on foreclosures.
2) Stop interest rate increases.
3) Require lenders to restructure mortgages to make them affordable.

I should really buy some stock. Look likes there are some bargains out there now! (You can't tell me Apple won't bounce back from their low price. They've got a firm hold on the MP3-player market. Hell, more people say "iPod" than "MP3-player"!)


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