Here are a few shots from UTBM Fashion Show:
Android Love
Bot Love
Clarebot + Wendybot
Clarebot is awesome power!!!
The mighty mighty Petorb
Bradbot + Peterbot
Mmmmm Androids
Matt Bylett's fantastical finale
Petorb, the sex (and it's all mine ;p)
Yikes, you are a scary piece of bitch!!!!
Androids are love.
Thanks to Clare (Quantum Flux) for being the best futuristic designer EVER!!!!! To my beautiful Petorb, who I've never seen look so damn hot, to Karl and Amelia (Surgeon-x) for the most HARD-MOTHER-FUCKING-KORE hair and accesories ever made....and Brad who provided the drunken backstage entertainment and silly dancing!
The fashion show was heaps of fun, I got to be an android to aphex twin (my hero) and have smashed up circuit boards glued to my head with medical adhesive!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!
To my gorgeous Jo-doll, thanks for the last minute make-up skillez......YOU ARE THE BOMB!!!!! :D