May 23, 2006 12:07
As some of you know, I have been between jobs for the last three weeks, and not voluntarily. This is about to change, however, and on Thursday I'll be starting at my new job. Gainful employment is a good thing, and this looks like it will be really interesting work.
But it's also going to be a real "hit the ground running" kind of situation, with a major deadline at the end of August, and so if you've been accustomed to chatting with me online and RPing during the day ... not so much, at least for the rest of the summer; e-mail will be the method of choice to reach me. I don't even know what kind of IM access I'm going to have at work, if any at all -- it looks bad in a job interview if you ask, "Hey, do you allow IM applications? I need to keep up with my online RPs". ^_^
However, I have no plans to popcorn any of the menagerie. At minimum, I plan to keep Lord Peter, Susan (who returns from her holiday tomorrow), Fillerbunny, and Irulan in play as much as I can, and Dibbler and Aphrodite will remain as walk-ons for a while at least (if things get really hairy at work, they will get popcorned, but I don't plan to do so right away). My response times may not be as lightning-fast as usual, and probably limited to the evenings and lunch hours, but I will keep on top of things as much as I can.
So. Not going anywhere, just not around as much as I used to be. Will keep everyone posted as events warrant.