Eleven months old!

Feb 27, 2011 12:14

I had this ready for yesterday and got caught up in our day and forgot to post.

Updates for the month :

New foods. Brocolli, leeks, salmon, meat balls. Anything that he can eat on his own works well for both of us. He's a pancake eating machine and devours scrambled eggs like there's no tomorrow.

Bottom right tooth cut yesterday. I hadn’t even realised that it was close to cutting till I happened to notice it just below the gums while he was laughing. That makes for 5 teeth now! The next one will be coming through soon enough, I can see it under the gums and I'm expecting it within a matter of days, a week tops.

Thankfully he hasn’t gone through a growth spurt lately. Still in 12 month pants, 18 month tops and 18 month one piece pj's.

Sleep is still fairly steady. In bed between 6:30 - 7 and sleeps till anywhere from 5 - 6am. He had had a few nights with wake ups which were most likely due to the tooth. He has 2 naps during the day, the morning one still being the longer one. The afternoon one tends to be harder to get him to have and it’s shorter, but still very much needed.

There’s no doubt about it, he’s walking! I think he can officially be called a toddler now. He’s quite steady on his feet, he can bend down and pick stuff up from the floor without having to hold on to anything else. He’ll dance, bouncing up and down with toppling over. He’s becoming such a big little boy.

He signs milk, food and diaper. He claps his hands and has tried to sign more, please and thank you. He is starting to get the hang of blowing kisses and waving, usually though he only does it after the person is out of sight. He can tap his hand on his mouth to make a wawawa sound which he enjoys. I got him doing that when he started screeching which was really hurting my ears. He says Baba, Mmmmma for milk and best of all Mama. I got all teary the first time he looked at me and said Mama. Now he’ll call out “Baba! Baba Mama! Baba!” all the while signing milk. He makes me very proud and happy.

He’s a happy boy. Plays very well on his own, enjoys Signing Time which we watch every day! He loves seeing other kids and wants to usually sit on their laps and hug them which they don’t all like. LOL
In one month my little boy will turn ONE! We’ll be visiting family and having a small birthday party there with another one here when we get back. The year has flown by so fast, it’s hard to imagine.

the bean, tristan, monthly updates, family

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