Aug 03, 2005 00:29 was confusing....but start off...Stacy and Moel came to my house today at noon .... and just wanted to swim in my pool....and i was though i wanted to sleep today after Drivers Ed....Drivers Ed sux was so boring with the videos that i actually started doing origamis and ya...Well..continuing...after Stacy and Moel left...i saw katie and Char IM i was talking to Char and i noticed that the font was i knew it was either a different person using her SN..or she was at a different place...Well..i found out that Char was at Katie's house. So...ok....then i noticed Katie was on i thought Char was using both her SN and Katie's SN. So...i thought it would drive Char insane if the instant message keep popping up on her SN and Katie's was like "Katie..Char..Katie..Char..Katie..Char!!" on Katie's SN (ULiteMyFire21). But apparently...katie was on her Char was not logged on to both SNs. So....Katie received my "Katie..Char..Katie..Char..Katie..Char!!" message on her own screen. I didnt know that until i read Katie's Livejournal saying that i called her "Char." And now she is all POed at me for that....and i dunno why she is all was all a big misunderstanding..unless she is mad about Stacy and Moel coming to my pool. I didnt think they were serious....but apparently..they were serious. So..Katie..if u are mad about sry...U know that i cleaned that pool b/c u wanted to use it...or else i would've kept it closed....but i still dont get why u are so upset...
and P.S......GIRLS DRIVE ME INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I will just turn gay or something...but Char kept me straight..thx Char!