Dec 28, 2005 23:57
So it has been a while since i updated last! I hope all of you get full enjoyment out of reading my update! I don't know who really reads my journal but all that do i hope it makes you smile! :) So lets see what has happened since the last time i updated which i really don't remember when that was! haha!
so..we will start with my birthday! Which was in november for those of you who didn't know that! It was awesome! i went down to Auburn and spent time with my bestest friend beth and also david and ben! we had a blast! expect we didn't know where david was half way through the night. The Velcro Pygmies were great once again! i am going to have to go down there a lot more next semester! Just cause it is an awesome place even if it is Auburn! ROLL TIDE!!
Thanksgiving rolled around and boy was that interesting! my sister came home from washington DC and we probably got into a fight or two...i really can't remember! Overall it was good! I was dreading going back to school b/c i had a week left before finals! That was the longest week of my life! i swear finals could have killed me this semester! So...after finals i came home! My much anticipated grades came in the mail and the verdict is...4 A's and 1 B! THAT IS AWESOME! I was soooo happy and still am! As a matter of fact my grades are still on my frig at home! I am proud! I wish it could have been all A's but beggers can't be choosers in my world!
I have had a pretty good break! I guess...hehe! I got to hang out with great friends which makes me happy! There was only really one bad thing besides me and my sister getting into one or two sisters do! I liked this guy and he totally rejected me! it sucked! It wasn't the fact that he rejected me that pissed me was the fact that he came to my house to meet my family, went shopping with me, AND told me he wanted to be my new years eve kiss and then told me he didn't like me....thats what pissed me off! I am over it now though...he wasn't worth my time! I am still friends with him though!
Oh the lighter side of things...i got some great gifts for my family and i got some great christmas presents! Christmas dinner was another success! All the food turned out great! I am soo glad that i didn't burn anything this year but i rarely do! hehe! I went to the school box to spend my gift certificates and i spent soo much money in that store! I felt like a real teacher! it was great! I went to learner and bought some teacher clothes which was awesome!
My car broke...the powerstearing went out which sucked! However i did get it fixed for only 140 bucks and i have it back now! So it wasn't to bad! My dad gave me money for christmas so that is what that money went toward!
I am now just chilling at my house! An old friend came over tonight and we just sat around and talked! it was great! and i actually cleaned my room! i can see my floor! :) I am leaving to go back to school on monday which is great because i will be able to get back to my regular scheduled program! lol!
I went to a kick ass party the other night! it was SO much fun! met lots of new people and it was all around a great time!
I am going to my godparents for New Years Eve this year...yet another year without a new years sad! oh well! hopefully that will change in the up coming years! it better! Well...i guess that is all for now! i probably forgot a whole lot of stuff but oh well! love ya guys! :)