If only you spent your time reading Foregin Policy instead of Rolling Stone. The only reason I ever cracked a Rolling Stone open was because I was bored in the SEHS library. I assure you that FP is much more entertaining.
Admittedly, I haven't opened a Rolling Stone in long enough to have read any of these political commentaries you allude to. I might just have to do so.
They generally tend toward the pop politics side of the spectrum, but there is occasionally decent investigative journalism. I doubt you'll be too shocked that there's a generally liberal slant to the proceedings.
Playboy magazine, which I generally do like, does occasionally have some dubious reviews. My roomate was shocked to death (even though he doesn't own any music, much like yours) that they picked "Hollaback Girl" as the best song (not just pop, but all catagories) for 2005. Although, it was very catchy!
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