Aug 02, 2008 16:01
Today it people that I haven't talk to in a long time called me. One was my step-mom Soco. She is really nice and she called because she remembered my brithday which was in July and wanted to say hi and give me her new cell number. Incase she stops by because my little brother Danny miss me very much and wants to see us very soon. He is only 6 years old. He is very sweet. Then a friend of mine from my english class in High School called me to see what I was doing. His name is Mario. He is nice and all. But I can tell that he is crushing on me and wants to go out. I don't know exactlly what to do. I just have to think about it. But it did remind me of this one guy named Manny. Manny is going out with one of my friend's friend. But Manny keeps asking my friend to give him my number. I never talked to the guy so I told her don't give him my number. She told him and he said if I have her number then I can know her better. I was like what. Because I met this guy at my friend's party and he was dance with her but hitting on me apparently. But Manny never talk to me at all at the party and is going out with someone. So I am confused about how these guys think.