[-] The shoes you wore today: Whit sandals as always
[-] Your eyes: brown
[-] Your fears: Losing people closest to me, my house at night time.
-----------------DO YOU---------------------------------
[-] Smoke: nope.
[-] Cuss: too much.
[-] Take a shower everyday: yup.
[-] Have a crush(es): yes, have my crush too
[-] Who are they: The one and only mike loizzi
[-] Do you think you've been in love?: I know I am
[-] Want to go to college: UCLA
[-] Want to get married: Yes definately
[-] Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: no
[-] Believe in yourself: Sometimes, not usually
[-] Get motion sickness: nope
[-] Think you're attractive: not now, im getting fat
[-] Think you're a health freak: not exactly lol
[-] Get along with your parents: I used to more than i do now because im not home alot
[-] Like thunderstorms: no im a pussy just ask mike about mexico
[-] Play an instrument: played the flute...and this one time....jk
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU------------
[-] Gone to the mall: yeah, but im cheap and didnt buy anything
[-] Eaten sushi: no
[-] Dyed your hair: no
[-] Stolen anything: nope
-----------------HAVE YOU EVER--------------------------
[-] Missed school because it was raining?: i only have school for an hour a day so no lol
[-] Played a game that required removal of clothing?: yes many times
[-] Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yes, mexico...the next morning was not fun
[-] Been caught "doing something": yes lol embarrassing, but it was chill.
[-] Like playing monopoly?: i am a sore loser
[-] Been called a tease: oh yes
[-] Gotten beaten up?: got in a fight once, ran into her the other day, now shes a big dike, thought it was funny because the fight was because of a boy
[-] Been in a fight: yes.
[-] Shoplifted: earings from dland, god cursed me because i lost one lol...never again
-----------------THE FUTURE-----------------------------
[-] Age you hope to be married: 21
[-] Numbers and Names of Children: 2-3 no names yet...im not planning that yet lol
[-] Describe your Dream Wedding: outside in spring
[-] How do you want to die?: old and in bed with my husband
[-] What do you want to be when you grow up?: fuck if i have a clue
[-] What country would you most like to visit?: my brother in austria
-----------------OPPOSITE SEX-----------------
[-] Best eye color: traditional brown
[-] Best hair color: dark
[-] Short or long hair:short but not too short.
[-] Best first kiss: an unexpected one like ours hehe
[-] Best height: 5-10 because im short
[-] Best first date location: dinner.
-----------------NUMBER OF------------------------------
[-] Number of kisses you've given: 10000000000 to mike because nothing else matters.
[-] Number of drugs taken illegally: one.
[-] Number of people I could trust with my life: 3
[-] Number of CDs that I own: not a lot.
[-] Number of piercings: two, one in each ear.
[-] Number of tattoos: none.
[-] Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: once
[-] Number of scars on my body: a few
[-] Number of things in my past that I regret: nothing sticks out really
[-] Shampoo: infusium 23
[-] Fav Color(s): hot pink.
[-] Day/Night: night
[-] Summer/Winter: winter.
[-] Fave Cartoon Character: tigger
[-] Fave Food: taco bell lol
[-] Fave Movies: little mermaid...best movie ever
[-] Fave sport: soccer, hate to watch it tho
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-----------------------
[-] Cried: yes
[-] Worn jeans: yup.
[-] Met someone new online: no that was like 7th grade chat rooms.
[-] Done laundry: no im a lazy ass.
[-] Drove a car: of course thats my life all i do is drive .
[-] Talked on the phone: yes...another big part of my life