Numero Uno
Who are those two fine lookin people? I'll tell you who those fine lookin people are. That would be Phil and Myself before homecoming. I absolutly LOVED that pant-suit! It was so comfortable :) Oh oh oh!... and how can you resis that hair!? *sigh* Phil, youre such a baller! Im jealous of your ballerness! Mmm, maybe not "ballerness" cause that sounds giggity :-P
Numero Dos
Look at me! Im... in a bathroom, with a camera? Well, dont pay attention to that part, or the dirtyness of my mirror. After you can see past all that, youll notice that i got glasses! I LOVE them! I love being able to see and im really satisfied with the frames i got. It all worked out quite nicely, except for the part where i had to pay for it heh, but ill admit, it was worth the $90 and so much more!
Numero Tres
Well, Ive already talked about the glasses so that cant be the reason i posted this pic. Hmm, what was it? ... Oh Yeah! I dyed my hair :) i like it lots! Its alot darker than it used to be and although it look brown indoors, when the sunlight hits it it looks RED RED RED!
Numer Fouro
Finally, i got my patches sewn on after going back and for with the little asian lady that owns the store. It took 3 attempts to pick up my jacket before i got to leave with it! Rediculous! *sigh* but im done with region patches FOREVER! Oh, and i know some of you are worries about my Drum Major Academy patrick (hah, yeah right.) Well, I saw how cool Aimee looked with her DMA patch on the back, so thats where mine is now :-P Good Job Aimee! Way to be a trend-setter! Hot-Dog-Dinomite!
Okay, im done; youre free now.