Uggghh medical

Jun 08, 2010 01:08

Hello again,

Since everyone was so helpful in regards to my concerns about safety while abroad I thought I'd post another question about my current predicament. I decided (btw) to devote myself completely to PC, I think I was just having the average cold feet but I am so entirely excited to go! However, I have such an arduous medical process, I thought it would never end then I got the worst news yet-a "slightly abnormal pap". My first reaction was complete panic, but after reading a lot about it, it seems like it's quite common. Anyway, my nomination was actually for June (this month) which is obviously not going to happen. I also read that the usual follow up for results like this can take up to 6 months (!!!) I was wondering if anyone had a similar experience/obstacle and how it affected your departure date?

I also just assumed since all of this was happening and my medical was taking so long, I wouldn't be leaving any time soon-at least not until September, so I booked a trip to Egypt to visit a friend. According to my recruiter this was a bad idea because since I was nominated for June, once medically cleared I could be considered for "immediate departure", even though PC claims it sends volunteers out no sooner than six weeks, considering the placement etc etc.

Does anyone have any idea as to when I may expect/plan to leave?

Any advice would be so helpful! Thank you very much
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