Mar 03, 2005 14:20
things have been very interesting the last couple of days...on wednesday the power went out during skating...we had the 5 year olds on the ice at the time...that was interesting...getting a group of like 15 five year olds off the ice in the dark...i am surprised we didnt have as many children's really cool to be on the ice when its can almost be romantic when there are a few lights on it...hehe... then this morning, on the bus, there was a Rostafarian (sp??) who was syaing all this stuff about how jesus was dead and you had to follow the way of the was amuzing and at the same time very annoying...oo, and at one point he was pretty much swearing...and then he would randomly let out this bus was so strange...
i think this weekend is going to be good...i get to work most of it, which makes me happy (means i get to see Luap) and then i think some of us ladies are going to hit the slopes...i may try snow blading or possibly snowboarding..the only thing with me is that i am affraid of chairlifts...and with snowboarding, i find the board to be to heavy when riding on the scary we shall see..although if i can find a cute boy to ride with me, it might not be so bad ;) so yeah...the weeks not over, which means there is a possiblity for more weird stuff to happen...and i am hoping something really good happens this weekend....but as for that, i need to stop thinking about it...i need to have yeah
It's almost my birthday, which makes me excited..hehe...not quite sure how i am going to celebrate it....i am thinking of taking my friends to Yuk Yuk's since i have a bunch of we shall see who wants to do that...i may also see who would be interested in renting some ice, and get a game of hockey going...i hope to get enough guys and girls out to play guys vs girls...hehe...there are a few guys that i want to play against...hehe
so thats about all for now, i am just at school trying to kill some time..i should go find nicole before she yells at me..hehe...hope everything is going well for everyone...i can't believe there is only 4 more weeks of school left..its crazy...hehe...anyway....big *hugs* to everyone