7 1/2 months tomorrow

Jul 23, 2009 22:31

Feeling a bit shitty this week.  7 months of looking for work an I've had one interview.  It's for a a job doing the same thing I did for thirteen years.  I would be perfect for that job.  She told me that she would start  setting up second interviews by the end of last week.

Nothing, so far.


I've spent seven months applying for jobs that would have been promotions, I've applied for jobs at grocery stores, I've applied for office assistant positions.


Am I so worthless that I can't even get a job flipping burgers?  (Which I like doing, btw.)  Yeah, I know, I'm smart, funny and personable.  But so are the several thousand others who lost their jobs before me.  I have to wonder how many degree holders will be packing other people's groceries at the Safeway tomorrow.  I just know it won't be me, because that job is taken.

I don't get it.  I followed the rules.  I never cheated.  I did what good Americans are supposed to do and I worked hard and steadily until it made me insane and I scraped up enough money to buy a house which I could afford and which I will now probably lose.


In other annoying news, one of the cats pissed in the vent of my 60" TV and shorted it out.  Granted, it was a gift from a friend, but still, can't get it fixed unless I can pay for it.  That cat now lives outside and is lucky that I didn't kill him with my bare hands before throwing him out the door.

I keep telling myself, "Well, at least you don't live in Darfur."  But everything's relative, isn't it?  I'm still worried that I'm going to lose everything that I've worked for.   And I just plain don't know what to do.

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