Nov 19, 2007 10:20
When he is out in the open, Malcolm is a mild mannered, pudgy, sedate young adult (3 yo). He is generally sweet and cuddly, although he has a tendency to push around his much smaller (but same age) sister. However, let him get under cover (under the bedcovers, under the throw on the old recliner, under a tee-shirt on the floor) and he turns into a fighting demon. He attacks anything that moves, with all claws and teeth out. He is willing to shed blood and rip up anything he can find. Pull back the covers and expose him to the world, and all of a sudden it's "Who me? I was just laying here minding my own business. I was taking a bath, that's it! I was just taking a bath!" He's back to his sweet cuddly self -- until the next time he thinks he's anonymous.