Well, the weekend started out lousy, but ended up great. I think this bout of insomnia is about over.
Friday night, I got some sleep but it was fitfull. I would sleep for two or three hours, then be up for a couple of hours, then back to sleep for a few hours. Saturday was mostly drag around in a haze. Saturday night I didn't sleep at all. I finally got sleepy around 6 in the morning, but I was afraid to go to sleep then because my husband was supposed to come by with his pickup and help me go get some bookcases. (I realize now that I should have called him, told him to just forget it, and went to bed, but I wasn't thinking my best.) So 8:00 comes and he's not here. 9:00 and he's not here. 10:00 and I think "F*k it, I'm going to bed." I finally get to sleep and at 10:30 he calls me to tell me he overslept and he just got up. He'll be here at 12. So, now I'm wide awake again. I thought about going to eat, but by the time I was dressed it was after 11 and I didn't think I had time. 12:00 and he's not here. 1:00 he calls and says he's leaving the house, for the half hour trip. He doesn't get here until 2:00.
In his defense, he was not in good shape himself. He is just getting over a bug that was going around up at his work. In fact he was in such bad shape he had forgotten his watch. When an obsessive/compulsive person forgets the morning ritual he has been following for over 4 decades, you know he's in bad shape. He kept pushing through because he promised he would come and he didn't want to disappoint me. In retrospect, he should have called me and called it all off; I should have called him and called it off, but neither one of us was thinking clearly.
In the end we blew of the bookcases and he went back home again. I went to bed at 3:00 pm and slept uninterrupted until 10:30, got up for a while, went back to bed at 12:30 and slept uninterrupted until 7:00 am. Halleluja!
I am feeling much better today. It is only 9:30 and I am yawning already. I hope to be in bed by 10 and I think I'll actually be able to sleep. When I get down, I get so tired of being tired all the time and never having the energy to do anything. However, I try to remember how good it can feel when a bout of insomnia breaks and I finally do get some sleep. I still long for when I was little and could fall asleep at the drop of a hat. Now even on good days, it takes me at least an hour to fall asleep and an hour or more to shake off the haze when I wake up, but as long as I can sleep, I'll take what I can get.