Free for All Challenge - T-Bag Point of View

May 29, 2006 00:12

Title: Toys
Author: Winterqueen
Challenge: #12
Character: T-Bag
Rating: 15 (implied abuse of family, including violence and mention of rape)
Word Count: 100 (the Voyeurs title on PBDark inspired me to it)
Summary: T-Bag musing on his early life, inspired by a challenge on another community
Author’s Notes: For H - as ever! I’m only borrowing these characters they are not my own (I wish!)

Children should be seen and not heard. That was one of the best pieces of advice I ever got when I was growing up. You learn so much from watching adults when they think noone else is around.

The other children played such boring games. I much preferred to watch my grandpa toy with his favourite action figure like a cat with a real-life mouse. He knew just where to cut and bruise my ‘father’ and with such exquisite pain. God never punished the man who raped my poor stupid mother. It was the devil who took care of that.

rating: pg-13, pairing: gen, author: winterqueen, challenge 12

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