Title: Lucky
almostforgivenChallenge: Pictures
Summary: You keep a picture of her on your desk to remind you of who you are.
Rating: G
Word Count: 204
Author Notes: Eek. I suck at drabbles. :P I cannot write things short… oh well. I tried.
You keep a picture of her on your desk to remind you of who you are.
There are times here, surrounded by people who have lost themselves and lost everything they once had, that you almost lose yourself. You forget why you’re there and what you’re trying to accomplish because sometimes it is very difficult to not hate the people you encounter in here.
You think that on your fortieth you’ll get her something special to commemorate all of it. And a part of you says something special might mean leaving it all behind.
“Henry?” She looks at you in concern, her eyes looking at you with years of knowing you better than you know yourself.
And you smile and brush back her hair a bit, knowing that you’re never going to be closer to someone like this. And loving that you’ve made it this far. “It’s nothing.”
You get a new picture and a new frame and set it proudly on your desk.
The secretary smiles at you when she brings you some files, looking at the picture with this earnestness you never see in prisoners. “Lovely picture of her. You’re so lucky.”
“Yes,” You smile a little. And know that you are.