Nov 29, 2004 07:27
so this weekend i got into it with my boss. We never get breaks at work, NEVER! just our unpaid half hour break, but we don't get our 10 consecutive minute breaks that are required by law every 4hours a person works. most places are nice and will give you 15 min. so i got fed up after six months of working there. i worked an 8 hour day on saturday and i was freakin tired since it was that shitty thanksgiving rush, so i very nicely asked her for my 10 minute break required by law. she totally played stupid! she pretended she didn't know the labor laws! man, i can't believe that women. its okay, i may just have to turn them in. i really like my boss usually, except for this situation. she is a manager, she should know the labor laws. she told me, "well if you think these rights exist, print them out for me." what the heck! she also told me in reference to getting a 10 minute break, "well i've never been the type of person to ask for a break, i only take my half our break that is scheduled, i don't complain." this lady thinks we have the labor laws of mexico. she totally attacked my character, i'm not lazy for wanting to take my break, i'm just getting whats mine god damn it! okay enough with that. this isn't my job on campus, they actually give me breaks.
thanksgiving was fun, ate a lot, then went to josh's friends house from work and drank. i worked all weekend, and the new girl melissa and myself are supposed to go to thrift stores sometimes soon, but its hard to work out times since we both go to school and work! blah. she's pretty cool though.
talked to carms last nite for a while. i feel cut off from her since she doesn't have her phone. we talked forever about nothing like usual. haha. i swear we talk too much!
this semester is nearly over, and i'm so fuckin happy! seriously.
i need to go to the valley and get my hair cut. its getting a little crazy, i haven't been down in over two who knows when i can go.
once again another pointless entry. oh well. i killed some time.