Round One; Challenge Seven

Sep 30, 2008 22:16

Round One; Challenge Seven

Welcome to the finals! I'm excited about this challenge, I've made it this far thanks to you guys. cherry_kiss_red is a talented icon maker so I'll be pleased with the outcome either way :)

This challenge is only open to unspell and cherry_kiss_red.

» Icons can be no bigger than 40kb or 100x100. Smaller, however, is allowed
» Animation is also allowed, given that you only use the images provided to you.
» Don't post your entries anywhere else until voting is over for this challenge. If you do, it's an automatic disqualification from the competition.
» Post your entries as a comment to this post with the Image (tag) and the URL. All comments are screened.
» You can not use any other images than the one provided to you, but you are allowed use of brushes, textures, stocks, etc.
» If you submit an entry and then make one you like better just delete your previous comment and comment with the tag and URL to your new one.

Part 1: Favorite Brother
For this part, you will make an icon of either Michael or Lincoln. You may only feature ONE brother in the icon, and no other characters may be present in the icon. If you can't choose between the brother's I'd suggest to pick a cap of each either have a friend choose which cap, or make an icon for each and choose which icon you like the best.

Part 2: Special Agent
For this part, you'll choose one of the Special Agent's from the show. (i.e. Mahone, Kellerman, etc.)

Part 3: Screencap
You must make an icon with this image, you may alter it in anyway you wish, you just may not add any other images to it..

Part 4: Wentworth Miller
For this challenge, you may use any picture of Wentworth Miller that you would like however it may not feature anyone else.

Part 5: Dominic Purcell
Like above, you may use any picture you wish, only this time it must be of Dominic Purcell and again, it can't feature anyone else.

Part 6: Free Choice
For this part, you may use any picture you'd like however it must be a screencap or episodic still for Prison Break.

[»] Rules
[ »] Participant Listing
[ »] Skip Post - No longer in use.

SETS 1/2
DEADLINE October 6th, 2008 11PM EST.
Voting might be posted early, depending on when both sets are in.

round one, challenge seven

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