Jan 01, 2008 22:12
my new year's eve day started at about nine am. i couldn't get to sleep til about five, so four(ish) hours of sleep. i got to work about a minute or so late, tina was joking and went "anthony, you're late!" because she knows phil does that to me all the time. the day began, not bad. then it became afternoon; we were swamped. i usually don't mind when blockbuster is swamped, except when it's a holiday. the happiest time of the year always brings out the worst in people waiting on lines. it's like, christ, all you have to do is fucking wait on a line to rent a movie that YOU decided to get. no one told you to get a movie, plus you can leave any time! you don't have to bitch out at the people who are servicing you when in five minutes you'll be at home with your hands down your pants itching your balls.
i was about to leave and phil (the store manager) looks at me. "so anthony, you gonna get drunk tonight?" i put on this really shocked impression and said "phil, isn't that a little personal?" then walked away.
azad picked me up and we got to heather's around nine-ish. no one liked the jalapeno poppers, except me.
victoria got drunk pretty early, because my cold was acting up i could not get wasted.
my first song of the new year was 1,2,3,4 by feist.
victoria and i pretty much stayed up the whole night together which was different because i never really had hung out with just her. it was a lot of fun. i hope we get to do it more often.
i haven't seen the banana splits television show since i was about six, so when i put on boomerang at heather's house and it was on... god damn it was scary. adventure island. and this ugly dog playing an instrument.
i'd say about seven-thirty am i finally fell asleep. i got home at one-ish, fell asleep.
work tomorrow but before i go... new year's resolutions!
a) swallow pills
b) movie/game/book rule
i) for every five dvds i watch, i am entitled to buy another (effective once christmas money is kaput)
ii) for every game i beat, i am allowed to obtain another
iii) for every two books i read, i can purchase another
c) eat healthier
d) excercise daily (once you get over this cold, so maybe next week)
happy new year.