Aug 24, 2007 22:54
So first few days of senior year are shaping up to be nice [Kinda besides getting my period on the FIRST day]
So many new teachers and one VERY cute one :}
So I have Neimen first again with Becky,Hannah,Katie,Kenny, Neimen doesn't seem to happy about that. Oh and we have Jeremy added to the group. He SUCH a cutie
my second is Eisenhower which second period is POINTLESS 20 min? But seriously I always have a teacher I love ..and it is SO him. I have Kendra and Brandon.H in there :]
I'm in the guidance office third..I just got changed to there WISH i was with Becky but she is in the office. She said she had Ashley in there..I laughed..poor Becky. But I don't really have anyone in third..I don't really care either
fourth I have drawing and painting with Hannah and Kasey :D I love them..well i love Hannah..Kasey is cool I just meet her tho mrs.Hamilton HATES us already :D
Fifth I have Mr. Walker..he reminds me of Sam so much it is pretty creepy. I have Kenny,Kassie,Kyle,Megan all the cool people of COURSE. Lunch with them is so funny :D
Sixth I have Mr.Hall I SERIOUSLY want to SHOT myself he has no emotion in his voice. He likes TOOL. and I have Brandon and Prince in that class >:/
Seventh I have mr Eisenhower :D I love him he is so cool . Me and Hannah sit right in front of him and just bother him the whole time. He really likes Prince [The Singer] and he did like a dance and split today ..Omg lol
Ok I am tired of writing now. Lets just say this is gonna be a GOOD year HOPEFULLY