this winter better not be a repeat of last year....

Dec 10, 2003 18:35

i am so mad at someone i dont even know! lol...just gotta get over something, heh. cuz now im choosing to be awkward...
and hey! i got written up first shot at trying to be rebellious, ugh. the study hall teacher was not there at all A lunch, so everyone left and went to the cafe. then B lunch the 3 people who stayed in the class said she eventually showed up and was writing everyone up. so i went back to study, and she was like your not supposed to leave your class, blah blah blah...and supposedly your supposed to get a saturday ed, but ill get like an office appointment or something. luckily since ive never been sent to the pricipals office before, hopefully i'll get a warning or something. i hate being all rebelliousish...i always end up getting in trouble. ugh.

heres how my "progress" is shaping up
English-- A-
Intro to Foods-- A
US History-- A-
Photography-- A
Spanish-- A
Chemistry-- A+
Pre-Calculus-- B-

precalc ruined my beautiful report, darn it. and my US History grade, it is soooooo going down the tubes. blah. but hey, i got advanced in english and social stdies on state testing! go me!

oh and i hate the constant reminder of how i screwed myself over when i crashed my car. ridng the bus, cant finding anyone to bring me home because im too far out of the way but i would give them gas money, c'est la vie i am definitely out of the way, and people just tired of me being such a moocher. i hate mooching, and i feel soo bad for asking, and yeah yesterday when i got on the bus the lady almost kicked me off because she had never seen me before. do i really deserve all this? i guess i must. i cant wait till nice weather when i can drive more often.

audrey comes home in a week and 2 days! yay! im excited! i miss my sister :(

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