Aug 18, 2005 13:11
This is a game of tag. You have to answer the questions below and then TAG six of your friends.
Set 1.
List 3 things that bug you - things that others may find trivial.
1: People that eat with their mouth open
2: When i have to share my food
3: when people touch the screen of my laptop!!!! grr
Set 2.
List 3 things that make chocolate even better.
1: stawberries
2: peanut butter :-)
3: when its chopped up and put into my java chip frapacino from starbucks :-) yummy
Set 3.
List 3 things you'd rather be doing than playing a game of LJ tag.
1: talking to felicity *tear i miss her*
2: makeing somthing out of clay like one of my nudes :-)
3: Playing with my girls from camp *tear i miss them*
I tag:
um I dunno if I have ne other friends on here :-(
But if your reading this i tag YOU!