Title: New Moon
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Borrowed w/o permission, no profit in it for me
Many Thanks: The lovely and talented
jaekayelle ♥
Note: This was posted in
Sparrington back in 2005, and was the first story I ever posted on LJ! Re-posting because I didn't have a writing LJ back then and, more importantly, IT'S
Summary: It was a dark and starry night...
"Can't believe you've never done this before."
"Then don't believe it."
"You've never done this before with a pirate, is what you meant. Eh?"
"No, I've never done it before, with anyone. Or without anyone, for that matter."
"Not even alone, all by your onesies?"
"Oh yes, with all that free time I get to myself. Not to mention the privacy."
"So this is really and truly your first time."
"Really and truly it is, and I'm glad it amuses you so much."
"So. Do you like it?"
"I believe I do. It's oddly... liberating."
"My pleasure to broaden yer horizons, luv. Why don't you walk on ahead for a while? I want to gaze at the moon."
"The moon is not out, Jack."
"Ohhhh yes it is!" said Jack, with a pinchy squeeze, eliciting a shriek from a naked Commodore, and the chase was on, down the starlit beach, until a naked Pirate allowed himself to be caught.