With so much big finish madness going on I figured it was best to hold off on wishing our most recent departing contestant well until we all could do it right.
Since you are all well aware the final three has become the final two it time to say our good-byes -- and not a moment too soon seeing how she's getting hooked on
chanchito_z's hooch and desperately
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But I know nothing about no hootch! Tho, in a strange coincidence, I have a lovely parting gift I hope you'll enjoy (I get a volume discount):
May I remind you in true Probst fashion I have camera everywhere on that island. I see all you hootch mama!
Oh and while I'm mentioning the cameras can you please tell Karen the fact that we are down to just the two of you doesnt mean she can run around naked all the time!
Or wait... in my present state, that might be more hopeless than usual. :0
Ahhh you never know :o) Realistically, if I'm gonna stick a bunch of Prison Break fans on an island you just know its an island near Panama.
*See icon*
He's looking for you!
I'm going to use the same excuse my clients do: "that wasn't me clearly captured on that video tape. I've been framed!"
can you please tell Karen the fact that we are down to just the two of you doesnt mean she can run around naked all the time!
I'm not going to tell her that. It's not like we get cable on this island and I gotta have some kind of entertainment! ;D
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Seriously, I'm sad that you've gone but I have nothing but admiration for the way you played the game and for the fics you gave us! Not all of which I've gotten around to reading but I'm trying!! Alas, I was too late to save the day!! :( But you were damn good, woman!!
I have a little favour to ask you too...which I will put in an email!
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And you're right, I'd never turn down a decent Merlot or vodka! lol
Thought not! Come to that neither would I?!!!
*refills your glass while blowing kisses back*
ps the icon is listed in my userpics as Tanya's vodka! *titters*
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