survey with altered answers

Feb 02, 2008 09:42

1. Do you like poo cheese?
hell no !!

2. Have you ever shot up heroin?
with courneys help.. yes..
3. Do you own gum?
only fifteen of them.

4. Are you single or taken?
taken .. i love myself

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
i do, because i am just that much of a fool .

6. What do you think of hot dogs?
made of rat tail, raccoon feet and boot tongue. dude .. wouldnt like that .. vitamin b-12 all the way .. but i do actually prefer the tofu rat tail dogs

7. Favourite Christmas song?
silent night oh holy grail night
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
coffeeeeeeeeeeee.teaaaaaaaaaa.. a gallon of water...

9. Can you do push ups?
only on my knees (sadly )diet coke and a pizza pleaseeeeeee.

10. Have you ever done drugs?
drugs??? well not really ... not like hardcore drugs you know the kind that make you thin and healthy like crack or speed .. but once i tried what glen used to do.. Mar!!. . . ijauna

11. Favourite hobby?
hobby? playing music? i don't really think of that as a hobby.

12. Secret weapon to get the opposite sex?
something i'll clearly never possess... well money ... im super rich and guys like the security aspect of the relationship

13. Do you have A.D.D?

14. What is the best part about the weekend?
freedom... BY PAUL MCcartney i listen to it every weekend

15. Middle Name?

16. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment..
a) june.
b) my eyeball.
c) i should sit up straight

17. Name 3 things you bought yesterday?
wow.. just gas for my car .. thats great ...

18. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink.
water, coffee, tea,water with lemon ... club soda

19. Current wonder right now?
when will everyone wake up

20. Current hate right now?
chapped lips... im so glad the only thing i hate right now is my chapped lips ... or should i not be glad still tired

21. Favourite place to be?
... lost in a memory

22. How did you bring in the New Year?
with lissie, amy, dave, pam, susan, natali, ken, dan, matt, and one of matt's friends. as dictated by tradition, we jumped in the air as the ball dropped. there was also dancing.

23. Where would you like to go?
to buy a recorder and start recording drum samples

24. Name three people who will complete this.

25. Do you own slippers?
26. What shirt are you wearing?
a shirt with stripes ... and a live roach with diamonds glued all over it , pinned to my sleeve
27. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?

28. Can you whistle?

29. Favourite color?

30. Would you be a pirate?
only dave wants to be a pirate

31. What songs do you sing in the shower?
lovely ones

32. Favourite girl's name?

33. Favourite boy's name?
ROCKY !!!!!!
34. Whats in your pocket right now?
35. Last thing that made you laugh?
courtney making a great face at band prac.
36. Have you shaved today?

37. Worst injury you've ever had?
i broke my femer bone ....

38. Do you love where you live?
the house itself is not exactly ideal but everything else about the situation is, yeah.

39. How many TVs do you have in your house?
three. like elvis.

40. Who is your loudest friend?

41. How many dogs do you have?

42. Does someone have a crush on you?
hahaha. not likely.

43. What is your favourite movie?
HELP! and rocky

44. What brand of shoes are you wearing?
converse . **

45. Who's the last person to text you?
courtney, i think.

46. What song(s) do you want played at your funeral?
eh. this is not something i've thought about or will likely think anyways

47. What were you doing 12 AM last night?
sleeping! my dedication to excessive sleep since returning from somewhere has been seriously impressive.

48. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
pete's demo version of 'i am an animal' was in my head.

49. Where did if go?
.. zuh?

50. When is your birthday?
june 16 .
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