Time for a Mina update: I've taken her on two long off-leash walks along the canal and she's been a total champ both times. No chasing, no yelling, she comes right back when asked and immediately sits to get clipped back onto her leash. That's the clincher for me -- this is my dog now. Mine! You can't have her.
I thinking I'll take both Daisy and Mina on my hike across the Superstitions in a couple weeks. I've escalated their walks to 5 miles/day (also for me -- gotta get my feet/legs/back used to being up and around for lots of miles every day). I might even set the girls up with packs so they can haul their own food and water.
I have to admit, I'm more intimidated by the prospect of the trans-Supes hike than I am about wrangling the dogs. The dogs will be fine. They can drink water I can't, they can/will eat stuff I can't/won't. It's the longest through-hike I've ever attempted, but if it goes as well as I think it will, I'm going to start seriously planning more big hiking epics.