Mar 20, 2004 11:57
Mon 3/20/04 11:57 AM
The weather has never affected me much. Occasionally we are forced to modify a flight plan, and for certain social engagements a Top coat is appropriate, but that's only for fashion's sake. People like me never get wet.
I go from the elevator to the car and back. The elevator that is reserved for my use alone. The illusion that I am present and available is necessary.
I remain in contact through technology. Between the Sat phone, Satnav, the DSL lines that radiate from wherever I may be like a web, I am never out of touch, be it by voice or digital command. I am only unreachable when I choose to be.
During the coming month, I will be forced to make myself available to many I'd choose to ignore, permanently. Marcus Halberstam wisely chose to leave New York after some rather unpleasant innuendo regarding Paul Allen seemed to attach itself to him. Friend that I am, I offered him an opportunity that for the most part keeps him out of the country. Luis Carruthers, on the other hand, has proven himself quite useful at sucking valuable information out of some of the most important media and entertainment figures there are, thus rendering himself far more useful than even he realizes.
It is Davis Ferguson whom I abhor the most. It is almost as if he knows that my total revulsion at his mere existence gives him an upper hand.
He is almost correct.
Virtually yours,
Patrick Bateman