cabin trip

Nov 08, 2005 13:34

it was fun. never knew 7 people could have so much fun. Melanie's interpretive dancing to coldplay will forever remain deep within our hearts, as will chelsey's folage.
The weather wasn't nearly as cold as last year... which was appreciated greatly. We were able to walk around town and actually enjoy the weather. Ate lunch outside.. 5 people in a booth made for like 2... Adam enjoyed it the most being stuck in the middle of the side with 3, with a lefty on his right, and a righty on his left.
Got invited over to the cabin nextdoor that night. They made people take shots of soco and jim beam... and those of us, like myself, who had already drank too much and lacked the willpower to refuse spent most of the night throwing up... at least I made it to the bathroom ;)
Woke up the next morning with a bad hangover and tales of technicolor yawns... which didn't help my condition. The drive back lasted at least 6 hours... traffic was horrible and our quick lunch break at waffle house took way too long.
All in all it was a very nice trip, and the original 6 of us, plus thomas, vowed to go every year... and we'll think about letting others go ;)
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