Jul 18, 2011 13:56

There’s a good deal of fruit or sweets themed girl groups, and I figured it was about time the veggies got represented (and making them boys was a nice challenge). They’re all squashes, because they are my favorite. From left to right their names are: Butternut, Acorn, Summer, Zuke, and Punkin.

The internet might as well know I’m a big ol’ Harry Potter nerd. I’d never drawn the kiddos, though, and figured the last movie coming out was a good a time as any.

For me, HP will always be about a lonely, unpopular kid who manages to land himself a couple of the best friends a guy could have. Magic and destiny and all that happens, but that’s the core of it.

I also seem to have made Ron look uncannily like Cul de Sac's Petey. Whoop!

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