Mad About You

Jan 08, 2008 13:28

Title: Mad About You
Source: PB Fic
Type: 3 chapter one shot
Characters and/or Pairing: Michael/Sara, Lincoln
Category: Het
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Through S2 Rendezvous
Warnings: Character Death, Dark, Sexual Situations, Language, Violence
Why you need to read this: I was lucky enough to beta a lot of her fics. I asked her once was she a psych major because the way in which she delved into the psyches of the characters left me in awe and quite frankly a little jealous. This dark look at the M/S relationship will get to you because this reality could just as easily be true, at least in my opinion. I also love this fic because she wrote the last chapter first and posted it, which I think makes reading this fic so great. Although you know how it ends, you have to know how they got there.

michael/sara, post-escape, nc-17, one-shot, romance, au, multi-chapter, lincoln, het

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