Apr 01, 2006 20:01
I feel like I just ate a tub of margarine. The last remark isn’t meant to read any deeper than its literal meaning. I simply feel sick, and this is the best way to describe the feeling. My throat hurts, I feel dizzy… and like I should be carrying a bucket around. I would recommend that you never, ever, drink coffee when you have an upset stomach. Heh. I’m a little disappointed because Ryan’s party is tonight, and I have been trying hard free up the time to attend. Now, I’m not sure if I will feel up to it. I’m scared I will end up going and ruining someone else’s time.
Another thing I am a little disappointed about is that I missed the debate tournament that was held at W.O.S.S. today. I’m disappointed in myself. Before last Monday, I was expected to be a participant in the bilingual debate, but I renounced the position. I didn’t feel like I would be an adequate example of White Oaks ability. I am new to the debating world, and I didn’t feel ready at all. I think I have been taking one too many things on recently, and I don’t think I can handle it all. I feel horrible when I can’t handle things, or when I don’t follow through with what I plan on doing. The thing is, I don’t plan to do very much. I feel like I get overwhelmed with all the things I have to do, when there is very little to be done. I can’t even handle three courses. What is that? What the hell am I going to do next year? Let me sit back and think about this though. Things are going pretty well overall right now. I didn’t expect that I would be able to keep right on top of Art. I knew I would get behind, because I feel that I should take the time to do my best (I feel this way about many courses, being a perfectionist, but I feel this way about Art even more so). I was prepared for this. I wanted to take art because I love it. I am still taking advantage of the learning aspect. It’s just that I will most likely not be getting a credit for it.
Wow, this feels like a very detached post. I’m trying to figure things out, but this sounds so textbook.
So, here I am. I thought I would have a lot more to say. I really am sorry for the lack of posts. I usually write to get things off my mind, to make tangible a thought, and the journal’s for Mr. Guthrie have tended to satisfy this. I get the chance to write for him, and I don’t feel the urge to write anymore afterwards.
The last week has been good. I feel bad about having missed the beginning of rugby practices to prepare for the debate tournament though (coincidentally enough, considering the beginning of my second paragraph). I suspect ‘preparing for debate’ was just an excuse. This has happened before: I feel like I should enjoy doing something, so I sign up for it when I know deep down that I won’t. However, it’s hard to know when this is the case. Sometimes I end up really getting into something, but only when I force myself to get past the initial distaste for it.
What else has happened…? I got the chance to catch up with Mr. Kerr. That was nice. He is an amazing person, and I haven’t spoken with him for some time.
Oh, lol, lunch at Chris’s really is great. The other day I forgot my shoes at home (I rollerblade to school, so picture me in a rush to get out the door and you might be able to see how this would be possible), and Chris gave me a pair of sandals to wear. Ha ha, they were huge. By the end of the day my feet hurt from bending to try and keep them on ;p . Thank you Chris. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. I am so thankful you let me borrow them… They are still in my locker, now that I think of it. I will get them to you as soon as possible ;) . While on the subject of lunch at Chris’s: those of you who have not watched the show Arrested Development, I would suggest getting on that right away. I almost regret that I didn’t catch on when it was still on air. It is partly due to me that the show got cancelled :( .
Beermouse played at the Pick-A-Deli last Saturday. They were awesome, I must say.
I had a lovely evening drinking coffee and doing homework at Starbuck’s with Scott. Thank you once again Scott :) .
Wow, this is an awful post, and so much more has happened. I can’t think at all right now. I should get going anyway, if I plan to do anything tonight. I will try to write more later on.
Have you ever gone by someone’s house a hundred times, every time wanting to knock on their door just to see their face? Do you meditate your every move when you see a car you want so much to be theirs go by?
roybn ;.
P.S. This is from a while ago, but the idea just came to mind: From the renowned producer and director Steven Spielberg comes the most anticipated film of our generation: the emotionally charged drama, 'I-Poo'. In theaters near you.
P.P.S. I recommend reading the book Candy Freak by Steve Almond. If you obsessed with food and sweets as much as I am, you will love it. I’m not sure whether to consider this pathetic or not, but it is now my favorite book. Gosh, it’s like candy porn mixed with self-analyzation. Tell me, how could you go wrong ;p ?
P.P.P.S. Good job to all debaters! You guys are inspiring :) !