Mar 18, 2009 15:17
ps - if I hear this phrase one more time, I'm likely to kill someone...
Still - in these... ::muffled:: - I can't help but sit back and re-realize how lucky I actually am.
I complain about my job - a lot.
It's menial and trivial and why the hell did I go to BU only to be supervised by people who went to community college.
But - it affords me the life I want to be living right now.
Hell - I HAVE a job - 1UP for me.
Media planning and buying certainly isn't my life's passion, but it's interactive, I'm always surrounded by fun, young, interesting people, and I get perks up the wahzoo!
Today, the perks had a particular affect on me.
My New York Times rep finally pulled through and got me tickets to the Fleetwood Mac concert tomorrow. Say what you want, but I LOVE Fleetwood Mac. I was very bummed I couldn't make it back to LI last week to go with my family.
When I told my mom, she responded as she usually does when I tell her about my work perks: "Whew, it's good to be Paul, huh?"
Since I was delighted with myself, I decided to go to the pier for lunch. It was GORGEOUS out and I got to listen to great music while taking in some much-needed vitamin D. I texted my "guy who I'm seeing/dating/pseudo bf, but with no clear definition," Mark (ha) to share my little sliver of happiness with him and he responded, "Can I be Paul Beswick for a day??"
The poor guy is stuck in midtown in a finance job he hates - but without a pier and certainly without Fleetwood Mac tickets. (He has a prior engagement, or else I'd take him - obvi)
When I came back to my desk, I had a reminder flash on my computer screen that read, "Francis, 3:00, 11th floor board room."
Francis is a masseuse that comes to my agency once a week. We sign up with HR, and first come first serve - we get a free massage.
Yes, it's only 12 minutes in a massage chair, and Francis happens to be a semi-scary, old Indian man (I think he's lovely) - it's FREE.
I told Francis I had a horrible knot in my neck and, by god, it feels better now.
So even though you may not get tickets, a pier, or massages, chances are there are some things in your job or everyday life that you take for granted.
Step back. Remember there are many people that are worse off than you.
Enjoy the nice weather. Put a smile on your face and spread that smile to a stranger.
(god - when did I become an inspirational speaker??)
this is why I post so sporadically