Jan 25, 2005 21:43

um, I am so full. someone wheel me home in a wheelbarrow, PLEASE. I just got out of cooking class! We ate crostini di funghi, bruschetta, wild greens salad with peccorino and this wonderful dressing, spaghetti frittata, and rice cake. God, I love italy and its delicious food! too bad all we have in our apt is a gas range and a toaster oven.

Uh oh, I can hear the street cleaner truck monster whirring around outside. My walk home is going to be wet and sloppy. I don't know what to do with myself for the rest of the night. Perhaps drink un bicchiere di vino rosso and take a shower...mmm cleanliness and tipsiness. great combo.

I developed my negatives today and something totally inexplicable happened. On certain frames there is this weird phenomenon that looks like my film developed a skin rash. Jacopo, my teacher, was totally stumped. Now the chair of the department, Romeo, wants to talk to me and try to figure it out. If anything, it was the girl I was developing my film with. She didn't freaking keep track of how long our film had been in the fixer. enraging. I went out taking pictures today and saw our neighborhood gypsy lurking under the stairs in the mercato centrale. I wanted to take a picture but then i figured she would shake me down. she was making the gypsy face: sneaky, sly, and hideous! mama no like.

I paid for my trip to venice today! im going to carnivale!!! i'm pretty broke now, it was €195 euros. the fucking euro is ruining myu life, its like 1.38 dollars to the euro. fuck you, weak dollar! raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!

basta! saci is closing and throwing my ass out of here. buona notte!
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