Hey guys. I may have talked to some of my friends about this project, but I thought that some of you might be interested in the actual blog.
Japan was hit heart by the massive earthquake in March. The struggles continue to this day. Clean-up isn’t anywhere near done and Japan has a long way to go to recover from the blow. It’s not helping that the tourism industry was hit very hard, too. Some parts of Japan rely heavily on the income that tourism brings and that is why it’s important to highlight that not all of Japan was hit or is uninhabitable after the Tsunami/Fukushima-disaster.
It’s great that some people go out of their way to show Japan is still a beautiful and safe country. So if you’re interested spread the word about this blog of someone who will start trekking Japan (yes by foot!!) from Hokkaido to Kyushu. He has been working as volunteer in the disaster areas for a few days. (We’re glad that
NTA is organizing pakages for volunteers all over the world.) Now from the beginning of August he will start his trek in Hokkaido and tell about his experiences and share pictures of the west coast of Japan.
So check it out. The main blog is in German. So for those of you able to read German check out the main site, it seems to be a little more detailed and comprehensive.