(no subject)

Feb 24, 2005 09:42


I found a nice one...

I boarded a bus on a Friday evening, and realised as I stepped onto stairs that my two hour ticket expired twenty minutes earlier... after a brief self-directed exclamation & bemoaning while another passanger validated her ticket I proferred my cash to the driver asking for a two hour, full fare ticket, "where ya going?" the heavily bearded middle-aged bloke asked gruffly, "ah, Fiddlesticks rd" he looked hard at his screen, hit keys, and muttered "over five fucking dollars, ten minutes drive hey, hrumph" he hit some more keys, and with a look of haughty self-rightousness handed me back half my money & a concession ticket, "go, sit" I managed a "thanks mate" and grin, before retreating to the back of the bus to giggle.

Are they going soft, or am I getting better luck... better at acting...?

I was heading out to see my parents a couple of weeks ago, travelling from my zone 1 home, through my zone 2 workplace out to their zone 3 house..

In the morning I bought a daily zone 1 & 2 (the largest ticket the bus driver would sell me). I caught a bus in zone 2 out to 3 after work, only the bus driver couldn't sell me a zone 3 extension because we were in zone 2 when I boarded, he was kind enough to say "ah well, our fault, you're honest, go sit down" I got off the bus in zone 3...

I walked down to the train connection, to find the gates gaurded by three burly bored looking, damp, connex boys, there was 2 minutes before my train, it was raining, hard, I had no umbrella, and my ticket, burned in my finger tips - wrong zone - under their watchful, bored eyes I moved up to the ticket machine, and fumbled through my purse, no change, not a machine that took notes, the odds were not looking good. "Ma'am do you need a hand there?" I shook with releif at the concern in his voice, tinged with suspicion but there none the less, "yes, ah, this is zone 3 we are in now isn't it?" I feigned semi-ignorance in hopes of playing up the confused city-girl angle "Yes, yes it is" "Oh" I responded, looking utterly downcast, I half turned back to the machine "and, ah, this it doesn't take notes, does it?" "No, ma'am" "Oh. um, is there one on the other platform that does?" "er, no, actually there isn't" "OH." "umm.. look, do you have a ticket of some sort, already?" "yes, but it's only zones one and two, full fare, daily, but I wasn't expecting to come out here tonight, family emergency, last minute you know, and now I don't have change to buy the extra ticket, I mena, that's what you're supposed to do yes? Buy just a zone three and carry both tickets, right?" I spoke fast, full of responsible yet unsure citizen worry. "Yeah, but ah" the train, on perfect cue, blasted it's horn and began to pull into the platform, I didn't let my eyes stray to it, but held the gaze of the softening officer, "Show me the ticket you do have" I presented it quickly, handing it over for his inspection, "just get on the train" he said with a shrug, "it's not far" "Oh thank you!!" I smiled in my best flustered young woman way and ran for the train, made it.

Feel any guilt about that one Mz Rat?

*pauses* No, I don't. I know I probably should, but honestly, I'm just kind of proud of the performance.

Group? Any responses to this?

Before the group answers can I explain a bit?

Yes, okay..

I know it was wrong, but I didn't get up in the morning with the intention of screwing them over, it was a series of circumstances that lead to it being nigh-on-impossible for me to do the right thing - short of walking up a steep hill, in the dark, in the pouring rain, finding the nearest open store & begging them to change a $50, I couldn't do anything other than play on their good-will, I used the resources at my command to make them WANT to help me, sure I lied a little bit, but mostly it was truth. I think my moral-crime exists in the facade I put up, not in the boarding of a train with an incorrect ticket, and I think that the facade was justifible under my own moral structure.

Okay. Group, comments on that?
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