Some shit

Sep 02, 2006 16:54

Bring forth the broken thoughts that impair the mind from carrying on
Dig deep into your soul searching for the peices that fill in the cracks that pull you down.
Put together a story of broken dreams killing the thought of ever pulling yourself out.
Now your digging deeper pulling out whats become of you.
You've nailed yourself to a cross that keeps wondering souls at rest.
You've severed the ties with whom sets you free.
Your on your own now suffering your darkest secrets pulling the ropes around your neck for each one.

The lord will not save anyone whom takes their own life. You've bought your ticket to hell now you must go. He doesn't want to put up with your shit. You've destroyed the body and soul he gave to you to take care of. Which is quite funny to me that he doesn't give some people a body that can handle the stressers of today nope he gives you the one that thinks fucked up thoughts on a contstant basis killing the purity of your soul in the beginning. Thanks god for doing as us humans do. A half assed job. Religion (except for a few.) basically tell you to look out for the lords best interest. FUCK THAT look out for your own interests.

If you've read this whole thing and actually made it to here without getting bored out of your mind. Thank you for reading this............
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