Work school work school. It's all I do. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow I go to school, and from there I go directly to work until 12:30am. I then cram in 5 hours of sleep and repeat. My first day off this week will be thursday. By day off I mean no work. I am excited to spend the post-class day with my computer and my DVD player. I anticipate fun *g*
This is a problem, since I have had no time to finish my already delayed story for
nevermet ficathon. But I am determinied, because I have half of it, and it seems such a waste not to finish. Gunn and Xander are meeting for the first time and it's great, it's just that it may be an unbeta'd great. Perhaps a beta'd-after-initial-posting great...that idea has potential.
As for my classes, well, theatre is actually turning out okay. There's one person in both of my acting classes who sounds like she swallowed something written in the 60s while taking LSD and sitting in a field of flowers, but for the most part it's great. I wasn't thrilled when we did a trust exercise today, though. You know the one where you stand stiff in the middle of a circle of people and they push you to each other, making sure to catch you? Well, last time I did that I was dropped. I won't mention any names (ZAAAAAAIIIIIIIN--and I KNOW he did it on purpose...bastard). Needless to say, being dropped flat on your back by people you know made me a tad nervous when asked to trust a group of stangers not to do the same. But the acting classes are great for a few reasons: no exam, no essays, actually relaxing (who'da thunk?), and no exams.
History of the Canadian West turned out to be History of BC, which is better and worse. That's a lot of time to spend on BC, but...heh...I know shit all about my province's history, so it's probably for the best that I'm taking this course. Edumacate myself a little.
And finally, off topic, and probably TMI, I have all these broken blood vessels in my leg. They look like little red dots. How did I get them? I don't know. I mean, the only thing I can think of is that yesterday, when my leg was itchy and I scratched it, I must have broken them. But, c'mon! That's ridiculous. And yet this happens to me all the time. I have bruises that appear from nowhere, other marks without origin, so either I sleep really violently, which I don't think is the case, or I mark like a banana. This may be the hypochondriac in me talking, but that's not good, right? I find it mildly disturbing. In the meantime, my leg looks like someone threw a bunch of pebbles at me really hard.
Anywho, I'm off to catch 6 and a half hours of sleep...hey big spender... :p
Also, new icon! By
miss_jaffacake, who I should probably start paying, or something. I think 50% of my icons are hers...
Ooh! And how much do I love Jon Stewart right now? Evolution Shmevolution is like, the best. thing. EVER. I wish to have the combined children of the Daily Show cast...I'll have to figure something out for Samantha Bee.