because one-subject-entries are for weiners . . .

Aug 09, 2005 23:57

It's so easy for me to fall out of the habit of writing. But I found that the easiest way to do it was get out of the habit of reading, especially of reading fanfic. Fanfic sort of replaced novels for me. Well, not completely, because there are some authors for whom I would tear off someone's arm simply to be one of the first to get their book, but the general mass of my reading in the last year has been fanfic. Of course, lately with work and school, reading anything that's not related to either (I have to finish this cell phone training programme, and I can't stress how boring it is. Like, shoot me, please) makes me feel a little guilty. Which sucks, since reading was always my "Make Heather Sane" time, and now it's "Bore Heather to Tears" time. So fanfic had to take a back seat and suddenly I wasn't writing anymore.

I haven't written more than a paragraph of anything in months. Last night I actually felt inspiration to write something for Hank. Inspiration had never been the problem before. Part of the lack of said has been that MJ has almost completely vanished, for perfectly understandable reasons, which I hope resolve themselves as well as possible (get well and STAY THAT WAY!!! *hugs*). I always used to bounce ideas off of him, as well as my lovely beta spikendru, and pitching and idea to Lynn has always been the best way to gain confidence (and the best way to find ideas ripe for parody) and pitching an idea to Mike was the best way to find out if your plot bunny was crap. Both of those things are so important, and I can't stress how greateful I am to both of them.

The other reason inspiration died was that I wasn't reading fanfic anymore, and I got a lot of ideas from reading other people's stories.

Well, all of a sudden all these stories that I was reading until their authors went on hiatus (to which I say nothing bad considering my hiatuses . . .sies *shrugs*) started posting new chapters again. Like kallysten's Secret Hell and crazydiamondsue's Spander extravaganza Sunday Morning Coming Down, and there were all these ficathon entries and spikendru was posting a story a day, and suddenly I'm reading fic again and feeling compelled to write.

So, my request is two-fold. I need to get into practice again. The ficathons I joined really helped, but I need something more to get the ole motor revving, because Hank is still a bit stalled, even though I have a trajectory (the words won't come!). So if anyone has some random plot bunny that they'd like me to attempt, well, I'd be more than grateful. Shoot anything my way . . .

Request number 2: please recommend any good fics you've read lately. Something that stood out. Any pairing/genre. I feel seriously out of the loop, and I'd love to read some really good stuff. And don't feel shy about pimping your own stuff. I expect to see tonnes of comments here, people! *g*

And now for something completely different . . .

He was back again. Again! I'm getting desperate for ideas. This time he followed me around the store until I finally gave up on this "strong woman" bullshit and just ran to the back. He makes my stomach churn for ages after he's left, and he causes me to feel so . . . I don't know. Weak, I guess.

I wish I could stand up to him, but part of the problem is that he clearly has a mental handicap of some sort. I don't say this to be mean about someone who makes me uncomfortable, but everyone who meets him for the first time comments that there's just something slightly off about him. Part of the problem is that he doesn't seem to understand when a person is obviously being made uncomfortable by his attention (although, to be fair, this is a problem many people have, not just Creepy Fry Guy). The other part of the problem is that if I tell him off at work I'll probably get in trouble, becuase we're past the point where I could confront him and remain calm. I think I'd blow up, and that would not do wonders for me at work.

At any rate, today he followed me around the store. He tried to keep it cool, but he was always about 5 feet away, and trying to find a way to talk to me until I speed-walked to the counter, grapped the keys, and made haste to the back. Thus far, our conversations have consisted of him asking the following questions:

1. I'm about 30. Is that how old you are?
2. Ho old are you turning? I'm 28 today (note the decrease in age? This happened after he found out I was not about 30)
3. What's your name?
4. Didn't you used to work at the concession?

All four questions were disturbing beyond all reason.

At the concession he used to wait around for me and ask other people when I got off work. He also used to stare at me as he ate his fries. I really hope he doesn't start that again, because I have nowhere I can run for hours at a time. At the concession I could sit in the back when it wasn't busy, since I was the Assistant Manager. At Rogers I am but a lowly CSR. I can't claim to be counting the float.

So, in my desperation, I call upon the wisdom of my flist. Please, PLEASE, any suggestions you have for getting rid of this guy would be appreciated. Any advice you want to offer, any Ju-jitsu moves you want to teach . . . cause I have a feeling this is going to get ugly.

Okay, that entry was rather long. I'm impressed at anyone who read the whole thing . . .

Ooh, I also have to pimp the meme that winterlive has on her journal . . .

1. Go to the Elouai doll maker.
2. Make an ordinary doll of yourself and save it.
3. Take that doll and, leaving a couple things (nose, eyebrows, whatever) the same, Mary Sue yourself. Make the most blatant Mary Sue you can conceive.
4. Post "Before" and "After" in your LJ. Bonus points if your Sue has a backstory of some kind.

My piccy didn't save properly and I'm too tired to do it again, but my Mary-Sue Me wore a blue ballgown everywhere and had a pet TIGER! An' she was sweet and kind and pretty, and lived in a bee-oo-ti-ful rainbow fairy land, and was the bestest friend ANYONE could ever have! EVAH!

ETA: liek, OMG I changed my display icon!!1! I was just suddenly tired of my Spander one. Not that I'm getting rid of it, cause it still makes me snicker, but I believe it is time for that icon's retirement. RIP Spander icon. You served me well for more than a year.

fandom, work, reading, creepy fry guy, fic

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