work and The OC

Aug 06, 2005 01:34

Hidey-ho, flisterinos! I have work related babble. Please, read on!

Of course, first, GIP!!! Isn't it pretty? By rasberryhats

Customer: [holding a piece of paper] Hi, do you have [squints] "S . . . Skind-ler's List?"

Me: . . . do you mean Schindler's List?

Customer: [glances at paper again] er . . . yeah.

Me: We do, in the Academy Awards section.

Customer: Okay, what about The Pianist?

Me: We do, same place.

Customer: Do you think I could watch them both tonight? I need to write a film paper by Tuesday.

Me: Both of them . . . tonight?

Customer: Yeah.

Me: Well, they're kinda long, and . . . pretty depressing.

Customer: It's okay. I like sad movies.

Me: 0_o

If that chick slits her wrists, I know why . . . what IS the education system teaching people about the Holocasut? I mean really. I had a girl I coached who didn't even know that it happened. I tried to explain it to her in 5 minutes and then gave up and told her to just go rent the aformentioned Skindler's List. Again I say 0_o

And now for the non-work related babble . . .

I realize this will appeal to only the people on my flist who watch The OC (Katia), but it's a rant I must get out!

I agree with something my cousin said once: Sandy and Kiersten are the best couple on TV. No, they're not particularly angsty or steamy, or doomed but wif da Twoo Wuv, but they were solid. They were there for each other, they had fights, but they worked them out like adults. They had a real relationship.

Now, with the onset of season 2 comes a host of problems for Sandy and Kiersten, including other people and, apparently, alcoholism. I have a few problems with this.

The Others

Rebecca. WTF. I know she was "the love of Sandy's life", etc, etc, but c'mon! Sandy was always perceptive. He was not a moron who didn't listen to his wife AT ALL when she was pissed off, uncomfortable, angry, and finally betrayed. Seriously, Rebecca was a plot device to drive a wedge between Sandy and Kiersten, simply for shits. Sandy is not that guy and I HATE OOCness for the purposes of plot. Sandy made mistakes with Kiersten all the time, but he never made one that was both so very large and so very moronic. He's smarter than that. Spending the night at Rebecca's apartment without telling Kiersten that Rebecca's back or where he is til 5am? Of course it looks suspicious. And then saying, "trust me"? Why should she? But the thing is: S1 Sandy would have never done this.

I briefly watched a later ep where Kiersten is also thinking about being untrue . . . I don't know the circumstances enough to rant on that, but I suspect more of the same.


Okay, all I have to say about this is: JULIE was accusing Kiersten of this in S1, and if Julie says it, it can pretty much be labled "ridiculous" and we can all move on. Making it a real problem . . . I dunno. It seems a bit much to me.

Anywho, the great thing about The OC is that it has good dialogue and good characters . . . except Marissa. She could pretty much drop off the face of the earth and I wouldn't care. "Oops, sorry Ryan. I'm actually an alien!" It'd be the most interesting thing she had done in the last 2 years. Also, it has hot people (ah, Ryan . . . *sigh*), but we'll focus on characters and dialogue for now.

So, great characters . . . seems like folly, then, to start twisting them for plot purposes. As a soap (let's not kid ourselves, OC fans. It's a soap) I expect wacky an angsty and improbable plot lines, but I had hoped that The OC would at least manage to keep to character, and thus raise itsself above other angsty teen offerings. We'll have to see how they do next season, becuase so far they've screwed with Sandy and Kiersten, and I'm not so happy about that.

I know that it's TV law that good relationships are boring, but Sandy and Kiersten were the rock of the show. With Ryan and Marrissa and Seth and Summer having triangles and angst and purely-for-ratings lesbian relationships and yada yada yada, it was nice to have one relationship that, while not perfect, worked. You could always count on Sandy and Kiersten to get through their problems becuase they were both mature enough to talk it out (eventually) and they really, truely loved each other. And what made their love great was not that it was star crossed, not that it was extra romantic, but that you could see a real relatinship. Which is why I really didn't like the turns their relationship took in S2. They became more angsty than Ryan and Marrissa, and that's saying something.


ETA: New celebrity encounter: Eric McCormick from Will and Grace. He was kind of a jerk. But working at this store is great! I've already doubled the number of famous people I've met, and only in a few months. And they're also of a slightly higher grade (eg, not my French teacher who shall remain nameless or the lady who was PM for about a week) . . . except for when I met Terry Pratchett. Nothing has touched that yet. Nothing . . .

work, the oc

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