Oct 03, 2006 17:05
I recently got hooked on Supernatural, because what's better than really attractive ghostbusters? Plus, some of the episodes are frickin scary. After the Bloody Mary one I couldn't look in the mirror. Although, the terribleness of the actress they cast opposite the boys in that episode made the episode easier to take.
I had a definite geek moment when the two wanna-be ghost hunters said to each other, "WWBD: What would Buffy do?" Hee! It has occured to me through watching the show that Spike has ruined me. My favourite character? Dean. Why? Snarky, exceptionally hot, arguably with a far sadder back story than others on the show. *sigh* I mean, Sam's cool and all, but Dean? Damn.
The best part of the show is playing Pick Out The Canadian Extras. They film it around here (all college scenes are at UBC, all forrest scenes are up at Grouse Mountain) and unlike other American productions, they don't seem so picky about making their extras speak AmARican. ALL the extras, without exception, say, Caaaaar, ga-rahge, and Sore-ee (instead of saw-ree). And it's strange, because most Canadain film actors take a year of instruction in how to speak yankee so they can work in the industry. They also managed to cast one of the few actors from Prince George (middle of nowhere, interior BC). The PG accent sticks out, but she did her level best to hide it.
I'm jealous of my cousin's girlfriend. She ran into the actor who plays Sam. Her reaction? "Hey, you're that guy from Gilmore Girls, aren't you?" His response? "Um, yeah." And then he moved away. *shakes head* What a waste.
And speaking of celebrity run-ins, Marcus Freakin Naslund (Hockey player, for non-fans *g*) came to my store and my stupid jerk of a boss didn't tell me until after he left so I, "wouldn't make a scene." What. The. Fuck. At most I would have asked for an autograph. At most. I'm so mad I missed him.
At any rate, I'm very excited about next week's Supernatural and tonight's VMars.