On Monday I fell down some stairs at school. I learned 3 things:
1) It's is embarrassing to fall down some stairs at school in front of your entire class
2) I'm not as good at my crutches as I thought
3) I can put my foot flat on the ground without it hurting
The last discovery is the most exciting, because it means I can halt the shrinking of my right leg by doing exercises. Flex and point, swivel ankle, flex and point, swivel ankle... It's actually really hard.
Anywho, I was googling the Danish cartoons, because I absolutely had to see what was causing all the fuss (btw, they're crap. I mean, they could at least be funny if they're going to cause all this trouble), and I found
this fabulous article. Yes, the cartoon was offensive. No, the cartoon did not incite any violence or hate towards Muslims. It pointed out a stereotype (crudely). Images of Mohammad are blasphemous, but so is blowing up Mosques.
As a non-Muslim, I am not too concerned about following Islamic tenants. I will respect them, but I'm not praying 5 times a day, I'm not making a pilgrimidge to Mecca, and if I want to enjoy the Blaintology episode of South Park, despite the fact that Mohammad is in it, then I will. Some Islamic newspapers run anti-Semitic images, and they're pretty horrible (one I saw depicted a Jew as a baby-eating Nazi). What is their defense? Freedom of the press. Hypocracy, anyone?
This is a Danish issue. It should never have left the country. Quite frankly, there are more important things happening in the world than 12 crudely drawn pictures of Mohammad. The newspaper already apologised for offending people. They shouldn't have to apologise for running them. And they shouldn't have to live in fear that they will be murdered by Islamic extremists who don't see the irony in setting fire to embassy because they're mad at being called terrorists.
What I find most interesting about the entire kerfuffle is France. France is one of the countries that printed the cartoon is solidarity. France, are you freakin insane? Do you think ahead? Has all the wine caused you to forget your riots? Plus, this whole "running the cartoons in solidarity" thing seems a little childish. It's really just fanning the flames. Support Denmark, don't intentionally offend already angry people.