May 24, 2003 07:42
Both of my children are still asleep. I don't know what to do with myself. Eli woke up at 4:30 this morning screaming like a crazy person and when I went into his room he was on his back, limbs flailing. I fed him and rocked him until he calmed down, who knows what that was all about.
Maya wants to get her hair cut short again. Thank fucking GOD. She's been letting it grow for about 9 months, her bangs hang to her mouth and the rest is about to her shoulder blades. Every day is a struggle with barrettes or headbands to keep it our of her eyes and brushing it always erupts into fits of hysteria. We're going on a haircut quest when Eli wakes up from his morning nap, even if we have to wait 3 hours because it's Saturday. I'll post before and after pics. I asked her if she wanted her hair really short, like mine. She said "No. Then I'll look like a Mommy." What exactly is that supposed to mean? Thanks a lot.