Aug 13, 2009 21:28
Why is everyone experiencing these emotions so much lately?
I'm not really sure what's going through everyone's heads lately,
but has it been, "Let's be assholes." month?
I don't know about anyone who's reading this entry,
but can anyone tell me why i'm the only one who feels sane?
I can name off at least five people right off the top of my head,
who have come to me for comfort within the past two days.
no offense;
but it's pathetic.
and they're usually the same people
Can someone just.. knock it off?
i'm tired of watching friends being depressed,
and reclusive cause they can't express their emotions in fear of being yelled at for them.
or even having someone comment on their emotions like they're a piece of cloth needing critique.
I mean, who the hell are they to judge.
i've realized i'm just like that.
I'm a fucking hypocrit, i'll admit it.
but i can't understand why it's the SAME damned people.
and it's usually the same people HURTING them
it's like a neverending whirlpool of BITCHING, and BITCHING
it's not just their fault.
it's the victims fault too.
don't let them make you feel that way.
i'm the same way, but at least i can say that about myself.
don't take what they throw at you.
throw it right back in the person's face.
I can't help but be pissed.
I'm getting sick and tired of it.
why can't anyone just CHILL for a fuckin' week?
Okay. Pheeww. deep breath, everyone; deep breath...
Okie. =3 I hope everyone's learned something from this.
i have.
<33 nightnight.