At the top of my lungs, I'm giving it back...(you're my only hope)

Feb 28, 2006 18:11

Oh god..
I'm updating like crazy again. I will [try to] keep this short.
So the Fashion Show is going really well. Got new designers, new models, new organizers..well, not really organizers, but people who will help with the little details.
Ms. Gabel seems satisfied.
Oh man, this makes me so happy.
Everything is arranged for candle sales..the fittings are starting next week.
Two meetings per week instead of one, makes things a lot easier on everyone.
I'm really happy with the direction it's going now, we got so much accomplished today. So much. Like a title!! It's called Hope for Hospice by popular demand. It seems appropriate.
I assume they're hoping for money.
Anyways..what else. Posters will be going up next week, and candles are being sold the week after that.
Everyone buy ten. lol.
I have a lot of ideas..but you'll have to wait and seeeeee...
Meetings tomorrow..meetings meetings meetings.
This is so fulfilling...everyone should do charity work.
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