Hello, my flist! :-)
I'm feeling a little bit accomplished this week - at least in some aspects of my crazybusy life. I managed to complete the huge task of my Long Term and Short Term Plans for my new job, (all 8 grades, except for revisions) AND I finally finished a fanfic at the beginning of this month. (only 3 months overdue! *gulp*) (and thank you to everyone who read and provided feedback for my first little Kyou Kara Maou story there! Much Appreciated!)
I am however, encountering a lot of obstacles and challenges to do with dreaded Red Tape, the bane of all existence. *sigh* Not only am I having difficulties with some mess I'm in with Revenue Canada, and the past two years' worth of income tax to do with being self-employed in the Film Biz, (oh, ugh!) but I'm trapped in the middle of a horrid battle with ICBC (that's the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia) with regards to the car accident I had back on Harry Potter Day, (July 20th) this past summer. (to recap, I was rear-ended hard by a SUV while yielding to a bus in pouring rain.) Even though the accident was something for which I was definitely not at fault, you wouldn't believe the delays and time-wasting and confusion and sheer hell they're putting me through. What was supposed to be a simple Claim has escalated into quite an ordeal. :-( And right now, there seems to be no end in sight. I cannot get any accredited autobody shop willing to take the bumper off and do the work ICBC is requiring, and without it, they'll neither pay to repair my car OR write it off. So, I'm screwed. I still have to drive my poor Shadow, as increasingly dangerous as that is, and I can't start to practice driving the new-old Volkswagen Golf, which is just rusting away in a friend's carport, and can't stay there much longer anyways. Betwixt a rock and hard place with this one, I am! Man. Erk. :-(
Anyways, let's not think about that crap now. The real reason I'm posting today: FANFIC.
I've been sort of 'hiding' from the fanfic and fandom world for too long, frustrated at my lack of time and energy (and creativity, sometimes, I'm afraid), and dealing with depression and illness, (and for much of last year, homelessness) and I'm fed up with that, and so ... I'm going to try very hard to come out of my absenteeism and hiding. *shy smile*
I made a vow (not really a promise so much, as a stated desire to make a commitment, if you understand the difference) to myself, and to a few others, (including
pervyficgirl and
jen_in_japan especially) that I would finally start posting an older fanfic I'd once written and then never completed or published, by the end of this month.
Well, September is already drawing close to its end, so I've been digging up my ancient floppy disks (goodness, doesn't that sound so old-hat in this day of flashdrives and memory sticks?) and dusted them off, and am attempting to find a computer that is internet-connected that can actually still run that old kind of drive. (harder than I'd thought!) And once I do, (and find all the parts of it) all the things I'd been waiting for these past few years (in regards to this particular story) will no longer matter, because I will keep that vow and, at long last, post it. :-)
The fanfic of which I speak is one I've been clinging on to for years now, *blush* commonly referred to as "The Epic", (though really it's not an epic at all, even if it's a longer story; it just feels like one as it's taken so many years to work on, and a heck of a lot of struggle) and is from the DC Comics fandom, JLA specifically. It's not exactly slash, I'm afraid, but neither is it precisely gen either, and contains a complex plot, lots of violence, some hurt/comfort, and Justice League characters galore. (It especially focusses on Superman and Batman.) So, despite many misgivings and uncertainties, I'm finally going to free myself of this WIPpy piece that's been hanging over my head for a good chunk of time now.
And I'm also just kinda announcing that, (why's this so hard to do?) due to my nearly losing a story of my own recently when my primitive computer crashed on me, I'm going to be posting onto my LJ here a bunch of previously published fics for safekeeping. (I thought I'd already done that, but when I checked my archive and Memories, they were nowhere in sight, somewhat to my own astonishment!) Some of these include episodes from last year's animated Justice League "Virtual Season" (as run by the incomparable
sasha_anu), entries from last December's World's Finest Awards and Secret Santa Fic Exchange, and a few assorted other things. I also do plan to once more continue to post my aborted Gatchaman comafic, "Stained Glass Window." (oh! And speaking of which, this week
damo_in_japan posted a wonderful bit of news, with a link!, that Paul Dini (of Animated Superman, Batman, and Justice League fame) is going to be helming a new CGI movie of Gatchaman, AND sticking close to the original Japanese concept! Who knew? That made my day that day, I tell ya!) Check out what he's said
here. (take a look,
atlantis_lux ,
nerthus, and
cricketb, and anyone else interested!
It is my hope that by getting organized, and posting these older fics, that my rusty Muse may once more spring into life, and infuse me with a burning desire and passion to write again, in all of my writing fandoms, and actually finish things for a change. (!) One can hope!!! (right?)
Anyways, thought I'd give fair warning, (and in case it's not obvious, it's also a plea for help in keeping me motivated and encouraged, as I sadly seem to lose both so easily) and thank you for putting up with me, and to some of you for waiting so patiently. I'll do my best! Sometimes I may be delayed because of my challenging and busy RL, but part of my goal of achieving a better balance this year includes keeping up in my hobbies, especially that of Writing, and so if I make a public statement, I'll more likely push myself to follow through! I deeply envy those of you who write prolifically, and somehow find time and energy amidst your own busy lives to finish and post your own work! Thank you, dear flist, for your help and understanding!
And now ... Fic Finding Continues!
Paxwolf the Committed :-)
(note: that's not 'Committable', yeah?)