Temple Admin Meeting

Jun 14, 2006 23:38

Well, tonight was probibly one of, if not THE, best Temple admin meetings this group has ever had. The only one at the table that didn't have a laptop (pout) it actually gave me more time to doodle, think, and brainstorm ideas. SO much got done tonight, and I am thrilled at the direction this group is going in, and thrilled I have several people who believe it needs to go the same direction, and are willing to do the work to get it there...
We restructured the By-Laws a little bit, pending a bit more tweaking, and we outlined a whole structure for membership and it's benifits, a newsletter, some PPD stuff, and job duties due to restructuring of the by-laws.
We discussed how the administration was going to function with our Chief Priest and Chief Director leaving for a year and members drifting in and out, and scheduled study groups, admin meetings, social groups, and newsletter distribution dates.. Things are coming together and looking good. Glad to have you all along for the ride.
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