(no subject)

Jun 28, 2006 10:58

Sit down kiddies, I have a little story for you.

When I was in the 1st grade my best friend was this little bubbly girl named Sarah. We were inseperable up until the 3rd grade when she met this kid named Scott. They were 'boyfriend and girlfriend' or as much as you can be at that age, and at recess time they would play 'Presidents of the United States' because when he grew up Scott wanted to be just that, president. I thought the whole thing was stupid, I would have much rather played wall ball or tether-ball. Sarah and I use to get into fights about it because I felt like I was losing my bestfriend. Fourth or fifth grade, I don't remember, Sarah was pulled out of public school and sent to a private school. I saw less and less of her over the next few years, and by the time 7th grade came around I had moved and didn't see her at all.

At my graduation ceremony I ran across a lot of people I knew from 6th grade and elementary school, because the school that used the auditorium right before us was Roosevelt, which was orginally the school I had been in district to go to as a kid. I saw Scott out of the corner of my eye, while talking to an old friend from middle school. I looked at my friend and said 'Wow, I've known that guy since 3rd grade." and she said, "Who Scott? He's our Class president, him and his girlfriend Sarah just broke up a few days ago, hes really bummed about it." I was in complete and utter shock, surely this wasn't the same Sarah, I mean from 3rd grade until you'rea senior in highschool? Jesus! And class president to boot... I shrugged the whole thing off.

Yesterday, while hiding in my house from the horrid heat, I started roaming around myspace, looking up alumni from diffrent highschool. Low and behold I come across Sarah... and of all the things, her myspace picture is a wedding picture... of her and Scott. Turns out they got married sometime last year and are very happy together, he's looking into politics and she wants to be a teacher... I guess somethings really don't ever change.

This whle thing could be looked at in a million diffrent lights and aspects... it could be considerd sad, creepy, weird... but I'd like to look at it as uplifting and inspiring. For a few months now I've been under the impression that loveing someone is just a phase that passes. It isn't really forever, people bask in it and once they start getting burned they go inside and shut the door. The fact that these two have virtually been through thick and thin since we were all 8 years old is incredible... I'm sure they took breaks fomr one another and at times they didn't think they would ever talk to the other again. But they beat HUGE odds, and for that I'm very happy for them both.

How I feel about Scott ever being presodent? Well, that's a diffrent story. :P

Someday, I wanna be that important to soemone, and I want someone to be that important to me. The idea that you hold onto someone tight enough and they won't slip away, it's beautiful.
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